Accept and decline employee match requests

All match requests on Charitable Impact must be approved by the company administrator before the funds are added to the requesting donor's Impact Account. You may also choose to decline a request (for example, if an employee is no longer employed by your company).

This feature is currently only available on the web, and is not yet available on the mobile app.

Accept a match

  1. On the Home screen, select your Company Account under Manage charities and companies.
  2. Select Match Requests at the top of the screen.
  3. Review and select the match requests you wish to accept by clicking the checkbox(es) on the left.
  4. Select the blue Match Selected button.
  5. Review the details and select the blue Match These Donations button.

Decline a match

  1. On the Home screen, select your Company Account under Manage charities and companies.
  2. Select Match Requests at the top of the screen.
  3. Review and select the match requests you wish to decline by clicking the checkbox(es) on the left.
  4. Select the red Decline Selected button.
  5. Review the details and select the red Decline Matches button.
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