Message Giving Group members and other admins

You can communicate with group members and group admins by posting to the activity tab on the Giving Group page and emailing all group members. 

Activity tab on the Giving Group page

The activity tab on the Giving Group page works like a message board. Group admins and group members can post messages to the activity tab. Members and admins can “like” or reply to the comments on the activity tab. The activity tab also displays money that is sent to the group and given from the group to charity. 

Post a message on the activity tab

  1. Select your Impact Account on the Home screen.
  2. Select Giving Groups & Campaigns in the left navigation.
  3. Under the Giving Groups tab, find the relevant Giving Group and select it.
  4. On the Activity tab, use the text input field to write a message to the group. 

Any messages to the group are visible to all members who have joined your group. Only group members can post messages to the activity thread. 

Group admins receive an email notification when a new message has been posted to the Giving Group activity thread. Group members who have enabled email notifications for Giving Group activity will receive an email about new messages posted to the activity tab.

Email all group members

If you’re a group admin, you can send an email to all group members, including all other group admins. 

This feature is currently only available on the web, but you can still join and support Giving Groups from the mobile app.
  1. Select your Impact Account on the Home screen.
  2. Select Giving Groups & Campaigns in the left navigation.
  3. Select the Managed button.
  4. Find the Giving Group you want to edit and select the pencil icon in the top-right corner.
  5. Select Members, then Email
  6. Enter your message.
  7. Select Send message.
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