Download Giving Group transaction data

You can download a CSV report of transaction data for gifts made to your Giving Group. This report includes any information that the donor has chosen to share with Giving Group admins, such as their name, email, mailing address, and a custom message. 

This feature is currently only available on the web, but you can still join and support Giving Groups from the mobile app.

  1. Select your Impact Account on the Home screen.
  2. Select Giving Groups & Campaigns in the left navigation.
  3. Under the Giving Groups tab, find the Giving Group you want to edit and select the pencil icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Select Download transaction data
  5. Click the Download transaction data button.


We recommend downloading donor information regularly when your Giving Group is actively raising funds. Some donors choose to include a special message voicing their appreciation or, in other cases, may specify how they would like you to use their gift. These messages are only available in the transaction data report. 

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