Add a friend on Charitable Impact

When you find and add friends on Charitable Impact, it's easier to create change together. You can easily send each other charitable dollars to give away to the charities and recipients of your choice.

Learn how to:

Find and add friends 

On the web:

  1. Select your avatar in the top-right corner of your Home screen, then select Profile
  2. Select the friends link under your display name.
  3. Select the Find friends tab.
  4. Add a friend in one of two ways:
    1. Select Invite friends to invite your friends to join Charitable Impact via email or share the invitation link. They can accept your friend request once they have created an Impact Account.
    2. Or, find and add friends who already have an Impact Account by searching for their name in the search box and selecting Add friend.

On the mobile app:

  1. Select your avatar at the top-right of the screen.
  2. Scroll down to Friends and select the blue Invite friends button.
  3. Add a friend in one of three ways:
    1. Invite friends on Charitable Impact: Find and add friends who already have an Impact Account by searching for their name in the search bar at the top of the screen, and selecting Add friend.
    2. Invite friends from contacts: Add or invite friends from your contacts if you've enabled access to your phone's contacts. For friends who already have an Impact Account, select Add friend. For contacts not yet on Charitable Impact, select Invite — they can accept your friend request once they have created an Impact Account.
    3. Invite friends through email or text: If you haven't enabled access to your phone's contacts, or if you want to invite someone who isn't yet a contact, you can invite them through email or text by selecting Invite friends through email or text at the bottom of the screen.

Respond to friend requests

Accept friend requests

You can view and accept friend requests in Notifications or from the Friends link on your user profile.

Accept friend requests in Notifications

On the web:

  1. Select the bell icon at the top of the screen, beside your avatar.
  2. Friend requests you receive will appear in the list of notifications.
  3. Select Accept to accept the friend request.

On the mobile app:

  1. Select the burger menu at the top-left of the screen.
  2. Select the bell icon to the right of your name.
  3. Find the friend request in the list of notifications.
  4. Select the blue Accept button to accept the friend request.

Accept friend requests from your user profile

On the web:

  1. Select your avatar in the top-right corner of your Home screen, then select Profile
  2. Select the friends link under your display name.
  3. Select the Your friends tab. Friend requests will appear under the invitations section.
  4. Select Accept to accept the friend request. 

On the mobile app:

  1. Select the burger menu at the top-left of the screen.
  2. Select your View profile.
  3. Scroll down to Give to friends and select Manage friends.
  4. Friend requests will appear in the invitations section.
  5. Select the blue Accept button to accept the friend request.

Accept or ignore friend requests from a user's profile 

If you have received a friend request from another user on Charitable Impact, you have the option to either accept or ignore their request. 

  1. Visit their personal profile.
  2. Select the Respond to friend request dropdown.
  3. Select either Accept or Ignore.

Cancel friend requests

If you sent a friend request, you have the option to cancel your request while it's still pending. 

  1. Visit their personal profile.
  2. Select the Pending dropdown button.
  3. Select Cancel friend request.

Unfriend someone

If you no longer want to be friends with another person on Charitable Impact, you have the option to unfriend them.

  1. Visit their personal profile. 
  2. On the web: Select the three dots beside the Give button.

    On the mobile app: Select the three dots at the top-right corner of the screen.

  3. Select Unfriend.

Block friends

If you wish to block a user on Charitable Impact, they will no longer be friends with you and won’t be able to find you via Find friends. We won’t let them know you blocked them.

  1. Visit their personal profile. 
  2. On the web: Select the three dots beside the Give button.

    On the mobile app: Select the three dots at the top-right corner of the screen.

  3. Select Block.


If you want to be friends with another person again on Charitable Impact, you have the option to unblock them.

  • On the web: Go to Profile settings and select Privacy. Select Unblock next to the user you wish to unblock.
  • On the mobile app: Select the burger menu at the top-left of the screen. Select Privacy, and then Blocked users. Select Unblock next to the user you wish to unblock.
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