Create a Giving Group

Creating a Giving Group allows you to pool or raise money together with other people for the charities of your choice. Giving Groups are free to set up, use, and manage.

This feature is currently only available on the web, but you can still join and support Giving Groups from the mobile app.

Create a new Giving Group

  1. Select your Impact Account on the Home screen.
  2. Select Giving Groups & Campaigns in the left navigation.
  3. Select the blue Create a Giving Group button.

Create a new Giving Group in support of a Campaign

  1. Visit the Campaign page that you want to create a Giving Group for. 
  2. Under Giving Groups supporting this Campaign, select the green Create a Giving Group button. 


To bring an existing Giving Group under a Campaign or to remove a Giving Group connected to a Campaign, contact us at

Next, learn how to customize your Giving Group page with a group description, photos, videos, and more. 

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