Learn how charities receive money

Charitable Impact disburses gifts to charities weekly if they have signed up for direct deposit, and twice monthly to charities receiving donations by cheque.

Charities receiving gifts by direct deposit

Charitable Impact disburses funds to charities who are on direct deposit every Wednesday for gifts sent by donors before 6:00 pm (PT) on the preceding Tuesday

Charities receiving gifts by cheque

For charities not yet on direct deposit, Charitable Impact mails cheques on the first and third Wednesday of each month for gifts sent by donors before 6:00 pm (PT) on the preceding Tuesday.

We email donors to let them know once we’ve disbursed their gift to charity. If you have a question about when a specific gift will be disbursed, please email us.

What happens if a charity does not cash its disbursement cheque? 

If a charity doesn’t cash its disbursement cheque within six months, the cheque becomes stale-dated. At this point, we search for the charity’s updated contact info online in order to resend the gift. If we’re unable to coordinate with the charity, we inform the donor and return the funds to their Impact Account. 

We make every effort to ensure charities receive their disbursement cheques. If you are missing a cheque, please email us. We will work with you to receive the funds via direct deposit whenever possible.

What happens if a charity’s charitable status is changed by the Canada Revenue Agency? 

If the Canada Revenue Agency changes a charity’s charitable status and we are no longer able to disburse gifts to the charity as a result, your original gift amount will be returned to your Impact Account. If you have monthly gifts set up to the charity, they will be cancelled and will no longer be sent each month. 

Gifts to a Giving Group or Campaign

Gifts sent by donors to a Giving Group or Campaign page are added to the balance of that Giving Group or Campaign. They stay in the balance until the administrator of the Giving Group or Campaign sends the money to a charity. The gifted funds are then disbursed to charities according to the timeframe above.

Are you a charity representative?

Setting up direct deposit is the fastest way for charities to receive money from Charitable Impact. If you haven’t done so already, the first step is to claim your charity page. You can then set up direct deposit

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